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Edition of 1


SuperRare, 2021


Well, there is that door in my head. It traps me in a tiny room. Even if I don’t like this place too much I’m not able to open that freaking door to step out. Wanna know why? I’m scared. At least these guys in front of the door said that to me. They introduced themselves as “THOUGHTS”. I have known them since my childhood. Eventually we became friends and together we formed a gang called “FEAR”. True that, the name is a bit weird... The rest of the gang is not doing well when I get closer to that mysterious door. They will always find arguments so that I don't leave this room. Telling me, it's dangerous on the other side, after all, I could get hurt. I think they just love my presence. Well, what would THOUGHTS be without my company, without the attention I pay to them? So I tried to make myself a bit comfortable in that prison. I have to admit that it took some effort to give the room a new coat of paint. I was very ambitious to redesign everything and even when a few annoying gang members moved out, I always found myself in this small club house with new strange THOUGHTS moving in. The air seemed to be getting thinner and thinner until I finally gave up. Totally exhausted I admitted to myself that I will probably never leave this room. I gave up on my resistance and started to accept my situation. The concerned THOUGHTS decided to leave. They allowed me to pause for a minute when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I was surprised. There has never been a sign of life from the other side of the door before. A little hesitantly I said: "Come in..." I prepared myself for the worst while the door opened slowly and then there was that…. well ... that giant pink mouse in the doorway. What the heck? I must have been on drugs or something. That was definitely not what I would have expected. This thing was cute. What was i scared of all the time? For sure, at first that giant rat seemed a bit creepy to me, but we got along well and so I found out that the mouse comes from a beautiful place which is on the other side of that door. It is unlimited and full of trust, tolerance and acceptance. It wasn't long before my gang, you remember, the THOUGHTS got wind of it. Since the door was already opened I decided to take them with me. Immediately they followed their usual habits. They locked doors. This time, however, from the outside. THE END!!1 ...ah, forgot to say that... that beautiful place on the other side of the door is called “LOVE” just like the new name of our gang. <3

Well, there is that door in my head. It traps me in a tiny room. Even if I don’t like this place too much I’m not able to open that freaking door to step out. Wanna know why? I’m scared. At least these guys in front of the door said that to me. They introduced themselves as “THOUGHTS”. I have known them since my childhood. Eventually we became friends and together we formed a gang called “FEAR”. True that, the name is a bit weird... The rest of the gang is not doing well when I get closer to that mysterious door. They will always find arguments so that I don't leave this room. Telling me, it's dangerous on the other side, after all, I could get hurt. I think they just love my presence. Well, what would THOUGHTS be without my company, without the attention I pay to them? So I tried to make myself a bit comfortable in that prison. I have to admit that it took some effort to give the room a new coat of paint. I was very ambitious to redesign everything and even when a few annoying gang members moved out, I always found myself in this small club house with new strange THOUGHTS moving in. The air seemed to be getting thinner and thinner until I finally gave up. Totally exhausted I admitted to myself that I will probably never leave this room. I gave up on my resistance and started to accept my situation. The concerned THOUGHTS decided to leave. They allowed me to pause for a minute when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I was surprised. There has never been a sign of life from the other side of the door before. A little hesitantly I said: "Come in..." I prepared myself for the worst while the door opened slowly and then there was that…. well ... that giant pink mouse in the doorway. What the heck? I must have been on drugs or something. That was definitely not what I would have expected. This thing was cute. What was i scared of all the time? For sure, at first that giant rat seemed a bit creepy to me, but we got along well and so I found out that the mouse comes from a beautiful place which is on the other side of that door. It is unlimited and full of trust, tolerance and acceptance. It wasn't long before my gang, you remember, the THOUGHTS got wind of it. Since the door was already opened I decided to take them with me. Immediately they followed their usual habits. They locked doors. This time, however, from the outside. THE END!!1 ...ah, forgot to say that... that beautiful place on the other side of the door is called “LOVE” just like the new name of our gang. <3




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About Schauermann

“I don’t want to create rigid images in their mind, but rather encourage them to fantasize. i want people to explore their own imagination.”​

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