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Edition of 1


SuperRare, 2021


Sometimes our thoughts can be really convincing, when they tell us that we are insufficient. Sometimes you don't notice it right away because wrong beliefs can hide, even behind something familiar like our dreams. I just have to do this and that, get rich, lose weight, become famous, whatever, and then I become valuable. IN THE FUTURE. Similar to this work called “SELF-LUV” we might just have to take an unknown path. The little figure at the bottom of the picture with the word “START” on top of its head is looking in the wrong direction, ready to go a looong way, not knowing that it would only need to turn around to arrive. However, can we already have the courage and the necessary trust to accept ourselves for who we are? We have already arrived and are already valuable. Unconditionally. NOW. ...Okay, now thinking of it...I will try it out myself…

Sometimes our thoughts can be really convincing, when they tell us that we are insufficient. Sometimes you don't notice it right away because wrong beliefs can hide, even behind something familiar like our dreams. I just have to do this and that, get rich, lose weight, become famous, whatever, and then I become valuable. IN THE FUTURE. Similar to this work called “SELF-LUV” we might just have to take an unknown path. The little figure at the bottom of the picture with the word “START” on top of its head is looking in the wrong direction, ready to go a looong way, not knowing that it would only need to turn around to arrive. However, can we already have the courage and the necessary trust to accept ourselves for who we are? We have already arrived and are already valuable. Unconditionally. NOW. ...Okay, now thinking of it...I will try it out myself…




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About Schauermann

“I don’t want to create rigid images in their mind, but rather encourage them to fantasize. i want people to explore their own imagination.”​

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